
Full Critical Coding Course



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5 out of 5 stars (based on 5 reviews)

The ability to think critically and rationally needs lifelong practice and dedication; however—just like any other must-have skill—it’s better to form its foundations throughout elementary and middle-school years. This is exactly what we do in our Critical Thinking Course for kids 9-16. We teach kids to:

  • Analyze complex topics
  • Develop good judgements
  • Recognize fake news and pressurized advertisements
  • Find solutions for daily life problems
  • Have an open mind to learning new concepts
  • Understand that there might be more than one correct answer
  • Give evidence to support ideas
  • Ask critical questions
  • Challenge other people’s views
  • Make choices

And more. Without these skills, doctors can’t find treatments for diseases, law enforcement officers can’t solve crimes, engineers can’t build new structures, and society doesn’t move forward. If you found the list above eye-opening, don’t worry! We help your kids grow into successful adults.

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9 Lessons

Access to Course

4 Months


9-16 Years Old




Yes – You can also add homework checking by a professional tutor to this package (Optional)


You can add private tutor to this package (Optional)


Yes – A PDF certificate of completion will be awarded for Critical Thinking Course



Beginner Minecraft Coding Lessons (1 – 11)

Minecraft Coding Lesson 1:
Minecraft Mods
• Construct simple programming to control the drone
• Test the program
• Learn to use Minecraft
Minecraft Coding Lesson 2:
Dancing drone
• Control movement of Drone with more complicated scripts
• Construct scripts for an expected specific movement of Turtle
Minecraft Coding Lesson 3:
Obstacle Course
• Create block installation scripts
• Construct scripts to build obstacles
• Construct scripts to overcome obstacles
Minecraft Coding Lesson 4:
Underground tunnels
• Construct a block destruction commands
• Learn to construct tunnels in Minecraft
• Create scripts to pass through a tunnel passage
Minecraft Coding Lesson 5:
Building a bridge
• Construct a bridge in Minecraft
• Build programming scripts to build bridges
Minecraft Coding Lesson 6:
• Construct a program using a linear algorithm
• A step by step Project creation
• Understand the use of slot switch command
• Build a hedge with an animal inside
Minecraft Coding Lesson 7:
Write letters
• How to plan for a complex construction
• Build alphabet letters in Minecraft
Minecraft Coding Lesson 8:
Stairs with lava
• How to write a cyclic algorithm
• Construct stairs in Minecraft
• Practicing the switch slots commands
Minecraft Coding Lesson 9:
Exploding a village
• Applying a consistent use of cycles
• Debugging project
• How to explode a village from underground in Minecraft
Minecraft Coding Lesson 10:
Variables and spirals
• Know how to use variables in Minecraft programming
• Write a program with inserted cycles
• Program a spiral movement for Turtle
Minecraft Coding Lesson 11:
• Know how to create attack scripts for Turtle
• Program Turtle to attack from all directions with the use of inserted cycles and variables
• Scanning an area and attacking any things near it


Elementary Minecraft Coding Lessons (12 – 19)

Minecraft Coding Lesson 12:
• Program a script to build a railway in Minecraft
• Build a railway with 3 different materials
Minecraft Coding Lesson 13:
• Program a script to build a subway
• Build an underground subway with light using inserted cycles
Minecraft Coding Lesson 14:
Roller coaster
• Build a rollercoaster in Minecraft
• Creating scripts to build a rollercoaster
Minecraft Coding Lesson 15:
• Know how to construct a trench and canal
• Program turtle to dig a trench and inserting water to build the canal
Minecraft Coding Lesson 16:
• Designing a fountain
• Program Turtle to build a fountain according to design
Minecraft Coding Lesson 17:
• Designing a mini waterpark
• Program Turtles to construct waterpark together
Minecraft Coding Lesson 18:
Portal to hell and paradise
• Build a portal to a different world in Minecraft
• Using variables and inserted cycles in programming
Scratch Junior Lesson 19:
• Build a house in Minecraft
• Acquaintance with subroutines
• Using inserted cycles and multiple slots


Intermediate Minecraft Coding Lessons (20 – 27)

Minecraft Coding Lesson 20:
Iron golems
• Build a Golem
• Practicing variables and inserted cycles in a programming
• Using multiple slots in programming
• Using subroutines in programming
Minecraft Coding Lesson 21:
Arena of snowman
• Build snowmen and fights in the arena
• Practicing variables and inserted cycles in a programming
• Using multiple slots in programming
• Using subroutines in programming
Minecraft Coding Lesson 22:
The great wall
• Build a great wall
• Introduction to conditional statements in programming
• Determination of the number of blocks
Minecraft Coding Lesson 23:
Great pyramid
• Build a pyramid
• Practicing uses of the condition in programming
• Determination of the numbers of blocks for construction
Minecraft Coding Lesson 24:
• Introduction to Break command
• Program a block detection and block comparison in programming
• Planting a bomb in Minecraft when meeting with an obstacle
Minecraft Coding Lesson 25:
• Introduction to a random number in programming
• Command information output
• Practicing subroutines in programming
• Program turtle to build a minefield
Minecraft Coding Lesson 26:
• Application of random numbers, conditions, variables, and subroutines
• Program Turtle to build a Maze in random
Minecraft Coding Lesson 27:
Bridges between mountains
• Application of conditions and commands for defining blocks
• Exiting a cycle upon the condition
• Introduction a new world in Minecraft
• Building bridges and tunnel between and across mountains in Minecraft


Advanced Minecraft Coding Lessons (28 – 35)

Minecraft Coding Lesson 28:
• Programming a turtle to scan a Minefield area
• Using the “Discard” command
• Using cycles and variables
Minecraft Coding Lesson 29:
Archer Competition
• Build an archer arena in Minecraft
• Crafting fireworks in Minecraft
• Applying loops and switching slots
Minecraft Coding Lesson 30:
• Introduction to and construction of a telegraph
• Applying Cycles, subroutines, and switch slots
• Learn the function of the lever, Redstone, Redstone repeater, note block
Minecraft Coding Lesson 31:
• Applying fireworks with the function of Redstone and Redstone repeater
• Introduction to the timer in Repeater
• Program Turtle to build a firework launchpad
Minecraft Coding Lesson 32:
Careful sapper
• Create a conditional program able to check blocks and cycles scripts
• Diffusing a Minefield Area
• Program an explosion with firework
Minecraft Coding Lesson 33:
Night lamp
• Illuminating a village with a night lamp
• Understand signal inversion
Minecraft Coding Lesson 34:
Machine Gun
• Building a Machine Gun in Minecraft
• Know how to set and applying timer
• Generator creation on repeaters
Minecraft Coding Lesson 35:
A gun
• Shock wave in Minecraft
• Application of distributors and red dust in Minecraft
• Build a cannon
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Our Customer and Client Reviews:

Well done!

Rated 5 out of 5

Well done! Thumbs up! I suggest buying this course for any kid you know especially those shy ones who are intimidated easily by other kids and those who can’t decide or have a tendency to follow more powerful children. This class helps them to be more confident, stand up for themselves, express their ideas in a clear way, examine different points of view, and have an open mind. A big thank you to Embassy team and my daughter’s teacher.

Mohd Zurian

This was a great class for my 10 yo son

Rated 5 out of 5

If you want your children to think deeply in the future you should plant the seeds now. This was a great class for my 10 yo son.

Marina K.

Wish there were more classes like this!

Rated 5 out of 5

I didn’t know much about critical thinking myself but bought this course for my daughter based on my prior experience with Embassy (she had 2 coding courses with you). The games & activities done in the class weren’t the things that we normally do with our daughter because we simply didn’t know that we should/could teach such things to her. Wish there were more classes like this.

Evgeniya Orvel

This class was beyond my expectation

Rated 5 out of 5

This class was beyond my expectation. I had a critical thinking course myself when I was at college and I’m so happy that my son doesn’t need to wait that long to learn one of the most needed skills in his life. I believe that with today’s fake news, logic traps, and information overload, our kids need to distinguish between what’s right and what isn’t. Highly recommend this course and suggest continuing such exercises at home too.

Chin Hong