Online Python Coding camps is a great opportunity to add fun extracurricular activity to your child’s holiday schedule. Our Python Online coding camp is developed to teach beginners a powerful programming language in a creative way. Your kid can develop and improve his/her problem-solving and creativity skills in this camp. Since this camp is 100% online, we accept kids from any country to take part.
Camps’ Packages
Scholarship of Embassy.Education’s Coding Camps

Enroll your child in an online Python coding camp and give him/her a chance to win great prizes!
During this Python programming camp, even beginners will be able to create few exciting projects! Teachers will assign points to all the students based on their accuracy and merit. The highest scorer in each camp will win the following prizes:

- 4 months of access to our platform
- Full Course of your selection (35 lessons)

- 4 months of access to our platform
- Full Course of your selection (35 lessons)
Tips on how to win the camp
When your child is in the online coding camp they are usually engaged one hour every morning and one hour in the late afternoon. In between, they do their coding project with the skills they have learned. During their independent time between morning and afternoon sessions its is great if you can give them some support and plan to spend at least one hour of your time each day to help them through the journey. Just one hour for an entire day! We find that kids who get this support from their parents have much higher chances of winning coding camp! Good luck!

What will the Kids Learn?
✔ Output formatted text
✔ Draw flat tables using tabs
✔ Design emojis
✔ Create pictures from pseudo-graphics
✔ Draw different lines
✔ Add background and sprites to the project

What’s Included?
✔ 3 DAYS online intensive camp!
✔ 3 Projects.
✔ 4 hours per day (2 hours with tutor +2 hours of practice).
✔ Professional Tutors.
✔ Choose one of four different camps: Scratch Jr, Scratch 3.0, Minecraft or Python.
✔ Competition with awesome prizes.
✔ Certificate of completion.
✔ New friends with the same interests.
✔ And good memories with a cheerful mood.

What Do You Need?
✔ A Computer/Laptop with a camera
✔ A Microphone and Mouse
✔ Zoom Application
✔ Stable Internet Connection
✔ Cheerful mood

What is Python Coding Course?
Online Python Coding Course teaches your kid a powerful language for creating programs for a wide variety of purposes, available even for beginners. It can be used to solve problems of various types. Today, programs for banks and telecommunications companies are written in this language; many analysts work with data using this language. Thanks to its clear and definite syntax, it is very easy to start programming in it.
Who are our online coding camp tutors?
A combination of passion and experience is what makes our online coding camps’ tutors the best for bringing out the necessary programming skillsets in your kids.

Programming Tutor

Programming Tutor

Programming Tutor
How to Participate in Online Python Coding Camps
About Our Python Coding Course
This Python coding course is for teenagers not children
This Python coding course is for teenagers not children. They learn making artworks and emojis which is hard for younger kids. Pay attention to your child’s age before purchasing.
The team here is amazing.
The team here is amazing.They guide you through every single step so you really don’t face any problems. Python programming is the second course we purchased because of the convenience to be honest, but my son happens to like it.
Glad to find your website
Online Python coding course was the only answer to our hectic schedule. Glad to find your website.
this Python coding course for children is nice
As a software engineer parent I think that this Python coding course for children is nice as it familiarizes them with the environment and is a good way for kids to start out a text based language.